czwartek, 23 marca 2017

[C++]Virtual methods

#include <iostream>
const float pi = 3.14159;

class Shape
    virtual float getArea()//"virtual" couses, compilator
    {                    //have to find out, on which object
        return -1.0;     //pointer points (base or derivative)

class Square: public Shape
    Square(const float side): a(side){}
    void pureVirtualMethod(){}
    float getArea()
        return a * a;

    float a;

int main ()
    Shape *shape;
    Square square(3);
    shape = &square;
    /*if in base class the getArea() method wasn't mark as virtual
    that following line will call method from base class(not derivative)*/

piątek, 3 marca 2017

[C++][Qt]How to sort QComboBox.

    combo->addItems(QStringList() << "B" << "C" << "A"); // "B","C","A"
    // for sorting you need the following 4 lines
    QSortFilterProxyModel* proxy = new QSortFilterProxyModel(combo);  // <--
    proxy->setSourceModel(combo->model());                            // <--
    // combo's current model must be reparented,
    // otherwise QComboBox::setModel() will delete it
    combo->model()->setParent(proxy);                                 // <--
    combo->setModel(proxy);                                           // <--
    // sort
    combo->model()->sort(0); // "A","B","C"